The Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga that has gained international recognition and become one of the most loved anime series. The show is characterized by seasons full of action, exciting characters, and mind-blowing plot twists. It is the story of Eren Yeager and his two friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert, living in a world surrounded by three big circular walls that protect them from titans, who want to attack and eat all humans.
Hajime Isayama, the author of Shingeki no Kyojin, has completely outdone himself that the series has sold as many as 140 million copies as of November 2023. Moreover, the series has been also honored with so many awards including the Kodansha Manga Award, the Attilio Micheluzzi, and the Harvey Award.
Still not impressed? The series is rated 9.1 out of 10, on IMBD.
What streaming platforms provide the Attack on Titan?
The Attack on Titan can be watched on free and paid platforms. Here’s the breakdown:-
Free Platforms
HiAnime: You can watch all 4 seasons of The Attack on Titan at including parts 1 to 3 (first half) of season 4. While watching, you can also toggle between the subbed and the dubbed version. Yes, you can watch the entire season in English here.
Click here to start watching on HiAnime.
JustWatch: This website also streams all the seasons of The Attack on Titan. It also lets you filter the content according to the picture quality. Yes, you can watch the show in SD, HD, and even in 4k resolution. You can also choose your country which will give you access to other streaming options.
Click here to watch on JustWatch.
Note: These two platforms will show you adverts while watching the episodes. However, they are not that annoying. You might also want to enable a VPN to enjoy anonymity.
Paid Platforms
Hulu: If you are annoyed with the adverts from the free platforms, then you can explore Hulu’s subscription. Paying for the content you want to watch is the best and safest option. You can watch The Attack on Titan on Hulu’s free trial. Right now, there is a juicy offer going on in which you can buy a membership of Disney+, ESPN, and Hulu (with ads) for a discounted price of $14.99 per month. The no-advertisement version of Hulu will cost you $24.99 per month. This bundled package will save you $17.98 if you make separate purchases.
Prime Videos: You can also watch The Attack on Titan on Amazon Prime Video. However, only the first season is available there. So, if you do not have the Prime subscription with you then no need to waste your money there as the first season of The Attack on Titan is also available to watch on YouTube.
Youtube: Want to watch only the first season? Click here to start watching the first season of The Attack on Titan on YouTube in English. Or you can start watching the episodes from the video below.
Wrapping Up
So there you have it! I hope you will enjoy watching The Attack on Titan. I have tried to list only those sites that have all 4 seasons available on a single platform for you to watch. So you don’t exhaust yourself searching for it on the internet. If you have any other platform to list here you can simply tell by contacting me.